Exhibition "Prologue" Kyoko Murayama Makoto Murayama from November 26 to November 30, 2021 Bookstore F. Jousseaume Address: Galerie Vivienne - 75002 Paris
My Facebook Site Kyoko Murayama Instagram murkparis Points of Sale Japan FEELSEEN GINZA(フィールシーン 銀座) Tokyo Kanazawa Ishikawa Foundation international salon USA New York Mieko Mintz France Paris Empreintes Murk-paris Creation workshop and …
「Prologue」A presentation video of Murk-paris (French subtitles) 「プロローグ」 Murk-paris introduction video (French subtitles) from the private hat workshop in the most beautiful 19th-century passage in Paris, Galerie Vivienne.
Studies and Professional Training National School of Fine Arts Paris Higher Diploma in Plastic Arts (Paris) Atelier SEGUI University Paris 8 Plastic Arts GRATA of Applied Arts Costume Design SCHOLARSHIPS and Teaching 2002-2003 Internship …
I have always been attracted to French culture and studied fine arts at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Very quickly, my interest turned to hats. The hat inspired me to create with various materials. It becomes like an ornament or …