Welcome to my world, enjoy your visit. Contact me: @ 06 64 13 05 73 News: NIKON FILM FESTIVAL # Fireworks by David Kadoche # A Day Without Fire by Anton Mulot and Kevin De Sousa # On Fire by David Kadoche # Currently in WHO YOU ARE …
Episode 1: The White Knight Episode 2: The Apartment Episode 3: The Park Episode 4: Tarzan Episode 5: The Real Estate Agent Episode 6: Grandpa Raymond Special Episode Covid Bonus: Protective Measures Episode 7: The Neighbor Episode 8 …
Series The 102 Short Films: 2013 Proxypute. (3'39') 2012 Temps Mort. (7'31') (Film made in one day, edited in one week, Emergence promotion 14) Password: Saint-Jean Passive/Aggressive (4'08') 2011 Mister Dandymoustache. (3'58') Big Guns …
Feature films: 2019 C'est quoi cette Mamie? Directed by Gabriel Julien-Laferriere Role of French Teacher 2011 Yek rooz digar. (Another Day, Je t'aime). Directed by Hasan Fathi Role of Johann 2011 Shrödingerskatze. Directed by Jupiter De la …
It's started, two months of waiting and finally shooting I Love You by Hasan Fathi. An Iranian feature film, featuring Mr. Kalari, director of photography for A Separation. I play Johann, a photographer turned paparazzi.
Yesterday, meeting at the City Hall of Paris for the Paris Jeunes Talents evening. And there, a good and happy surprise for the whole team: the film E.S.P.R.I.T.S by Julien Beaunay received the award in the Visual Arts category. Let's hope …
First of all, I wish you all my best wishes for this new year. May it bring each and every one of you health, wealth, love, and the realization of all your desires. After the baptism of fire before the holidays where, in 48 hours, I had to …
Today marked the end of a great adventure; the team was fantastic. What a pleasure to act with this great actress, Vickie, an actress with charisma. Thanks to the whole team.
This Friday marked the end of 15 days of filming. It was hard, long, but in the end, it was so good. The pleasure of changing locations, filming in the forest, getting eaten by insects, the gentle sound of planes, light adjustments, etc …
Yesterday, Saturday, June 16, the shooting of the medium-length film directed by Eve Laudenbak and Laëtitia Leterrier began. A gentle start for 15 days.
Since Saturday, the short film directed by Guillame Pravaz is online. You can watch it either in professional experience or in film library. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.
It's over, after 4 days of shooting, Blood on the Axe is wrapped up. Those days have been long, hard at times, but also wonderful. Working with a cool, generous, and professional team is heartwarming. Thursday was my best night of filming …
May 21st, first day of filming Blood on the Axe. First experience with blood, shirt filled with hemoglobin. And death with special effects, the first day of shooting was pleasant, the team is professional. And it was a pleasure to meet …
Last Thursday, it was the meeting with the Sequence 7 infos association, this meeting took place at Roches noires. An interesting moment, with great project prospects.
Yesterday was the wrap party for the film "Chasing After Love" by Pierre Alexandre Toussaint. This party marked the end of a week of shooting this chase between Eric, Elise, and Marie in the streets of Montmartre. This short film will soon …
On Tuesday, I met Emmanuelle Grivelet-Sonier, an actress and artistic director of Les Roches Noires. The meeting was very interesting both artistically and personally. I am therefore joining this collective of actors, directors …
It's 8:45 pm, we are on the blue access road, excitement is rising, a voice announces that the show will be delayed. We are all excited, and then the curtain opens revealing stands crowded with people, we can no longer back down, we must …
One week of rehearsals has just passed. After taking the Stade de France by storm, we gradually started setting up the scenes. The work is interesting, despite the weather and the waiting hours. The atmosphere is great and sometimes leans …
On Monday, August 7, 2006, I set foot in the arena of the Stade de France for the first rehearsals of Ben Hur (directed by Robert Hossein). After a presentation of the project and the team, the rehearsals were set up. August will see blood …
Last night, Marc Valentin screening. Great and electric atmosphere (tissue battle), the movie is great and soon downloadable on the site. What a pleasure to meet the director again after a month with the beautiful baby. Anytime you want …
After several months, several weeks, and these last days of rehearsal for acting, singing, and fights, it's done, the premiere of Mascarade took place on the Dolphin Blues barge. The festival can only go well…
Some short films that I have made are online; simply click on the name of the short film. Additionally, a voice demo reel is also available online. Enjoy watching.
I will be leaving for the entire month of July to the beautiful City of the Popes to handle the lighting management for Mascarade at Dolphin Blues. A commedia dell'arte play, written and performed by the Viva la Coemedia workshop troupe. A …
Today I wake up to the sad news that the filming of Marc Valentin and the extraterrestrial invasion has ended. What sadness, no more P.A.T, no more herb-stuffed turkey, no more comforting shoulders, no more fake photos, no more atmosphere …