Feature films: L'affaire de l'esclave Furcy by Abd Al Malik, L'Abbé Pierre - A Life of Battle by Frédéric Tellier, Je m'abandonne à toi by Cheyenne-Marie Carron, Comptatible by Patrick Attali, Un peuple et son roi by Pierre Schoeller, Tu …
Welcome to my site! I am an actor passionate about my profession. Feel free to check out my resume, photos, and videos. My email: @ Do not hesitate to submit your paid audiovisual projects to me. News: Excerpt from the new feature film by …
"I surrender myself to you." Excerpt from the new feature film by Cheyenne-Marie Carron, scheduled for release in 2023: "The Poacher." Short film by Sébastien Jiménez - available in full on Allociné and Youtube (duration 21 min) …