Cinema 2024: Hands Up (formerly Green Panthers), feature film directed by Julie Manoukian 2023: Fallen from the Truck, feature film directed by Philippe Pollet-Villard 2014: In May, Do as You Please, feature film directed by Christian …
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Main training • Professional puppeteer at Théâtre aux Mains Nues, Paris • International School of Theatre Lassaad, Brussels - (Lecoq pedagogy: acrobatics, pantomime, silent film, clown, melodrama, buffoon, neutral mask, larval mask …
* Video excerpts 2018: "Les Petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie" - directed by Rodolphe Tissot - Mathilde/ "Un moment" - directed by Chloé Duwez - Adèle: * Matmut advertisement - The Mother of Family: * "La Croix-Rouge" advertisement: …
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