• Beltan Plain

    4 months

    Addiction, in its many forms, has for centuries embodied one of the deepest symptoms of human malaise. Whether linked to substances, compulsive behaviors, or the relentless pursuit of immediate pleasure, it reveals an inner fracture, a …
    + 4
  • Beltan Plain

    4 months • Edited


    + 1 photo

    Contacts: Instagram: @beltan_plain Email: @ Beltan Plain, Nice to meet you! "In perpetual search of photographic & artistic novelties" Photo model, often with a classic style, combining tradition and sophistication, mainly using pieces …
  • Beltan Plain

    4 months

    The three-piece suits in English-Scottish style, with their tartan patterns and timeless elegance, have traversed the ages embodying a symbol of refinement and distinction. Long prized by the aristocracy and elegant circles, they impart a …
    + 2