Discover as a whole, the terraces restored of an olive grove, punctuated by five contemporary graphic works in dry stone: Landscaped arrangement/serpentine planter 45 meters long in dry stone. Dry Stone Clip - Ancestral know-how, future …
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Discover the dry stone technique and our expertise for a journey back to the "Stone Age"… Graduate of the CQP level 2 (Vocational Qualification Certificate) "professional dry stone worker". Trained in the Gard and Lozère Cévennes at the …
Catalogs of dry stone walling training courses offered by the association of Craftsmen Builders in Dry Stones of which I am a member and trainer.
Clip on the dry stone industry, the builder's trade, and experimental wall.
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Association using dry stone as a tool for work integration. I occasionally act as a technical supervisor for its employees in Anduze. Association FAIRE Alès Agglomération • article: dry stone and biodiversity • ABPS (Dry Stone Builder …
Proud to have represented dry stone at the Artinovart's craft innovation competition
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