We must admit, there were few photos taken in 2015, few in the studio at least. For various reasons, some of my own making, but not only. However, there were more landscape photos, from the Canal and other more or less distant places. As a …
New possibilities • Boudoir session in your home • Event reporting (birthday, party…) Don't hesitate to treat yourself by creating bright and cheerful memories! Contact me for more information. See you soon.
On Friday, July 12, 2013
Toulouse / 31 / France
Better late (since the event took place on June 1st) than never… Despite the uncertain weather and the mud clearly present, very good atmosphere and festive music for this edition of the Larsen Festival in Montgiscard. A great opportunity …
On Monday, June 03, 2013
Toulouse / 31 / France
A very beautiful performance given in this somewhat strange station, lost at the edge of time. Invaded by a band of joyful and talented actors who did not betray Chekhov with their gentle madness, carefree beauty and impeccably rendered …
Demonstration for Marriage for All in the streets of Toulouse on January 19th, 2013. A beautiful band of gentle, colorful eccentrics that makes for beautiful street portraits despite the biting cold. Pure joy! Have a good march.